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The Importance of Tahajjud Prayers( Salatul layl)


“And (during part) of the night, abandon sleep and keep vigil to pray Salat, in addition to the regular obligatory prayer. Your Rabb (the Sustainer) may (as a reward) elevate you to the position of High Distinction, Glory and Praise.” [The Holy Quran: 17:79]

The Tahajjud prayer ranks first in importance among all other optional prayers. The meaning of Tahajjud means to abandon or sacrifice your sleep so as to pray salat.

The Qur’an refers to it in Surah 17:79 and says, “And (during part) of the night, abandon sleep and keep vigil to pray Salat, in addition to the regular obligatory prayer. Your Rabb (the Sustainer) may (as a reward) elevate you to the position of High Distinction, Glory and Praise.”

The Prophet p.b.u.h said, “I will be at Makame – Mahmud on the Day of Resurrection when I will seek forgiveness for the sinners from the Rabb (the Sustainer) who does what He wills.” We, as sinners, would also wish to receive intercession and are forgiven so as to be in the company of the Prophet (saw)on that Fearful Day. However, we need to work hard to attain the required spiritual level to qualify, while we are still living and alive.

The verse quoted above which prescribes Salatul-Layl has been placed immediately next to the verse (17:78) which prescribes the regular daily obligatory Salat.

By praying Salatul-Layl one’s livelihood is increased and one passes easily through “Sakaraat” (grueling pain a dying person suffers at the time of death) and finds happiness in the Spiritual world where the departed souls stay either in happiness or misery, until the Day of Resurrection).

Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s has quoted Imam Imam Ali (as) as saying that the Prophet p.b.u.h said that a person who prays Salatul-Layl gets the 24 kinds of benefits. 1. Secures Allah’s pleasure at all times 2. Makes friendship with Angels. 3. Is the Sunnah of the Prophets p.b.u.h 4. It provides the path to pursue knowledge. 5. Constitutes the root of our faith. 6. Keeps one physically fit and healthy. 7. Drives the devil away. 8. Protects one from enemies and tribulations. 9. Serves as a means of acceptance of one’s prayers and good deeds. 10. Increases one’s livelihood and provides sustenance. 11. Intercedes with the Angel of Death. 12. Lights up the grave and saves from fear of the grave. 13. It provides comfortable bedding in the grave. 14. It helps to answer with ease the questioning of Munkar and Nakir in the grave. 15. Gives companionship in the grave and saves one from loneliness. 16. It provides shelter on the Day of Judgment. 17. Crowns one on the Day of Reckoning. 18. Clothes one on the Day of Resurrection. 19. It provides one with a light on the Day of Judgment. 20. Forms a barrier against the fire of Hell. 21. Gets Allah’s pardon on the Day of Judgment. 22. Increases the weight of good deeds on the scale. 23. Helps one crossing the Bridge of “Siraat” without any difficulty. 24. Forms the key to Paradise.

Time of Namaz e layl

The time for praying this beautiful salat from midnight to the time of fajr prayers. However, it can be prayed at any time suitable after Esha prayers but t highly recommended to pray during the last part of the night.

If it is not possible to pray after midnight or before Fajr prayers than it can be prayed in the morning or any part of the day with the intention of Qadhaa.

Note: According to Ayatollah Sistani, the time for Salatul-Layl is from midnight to the Adhan time for Fajr prayers. However, it is better to pray near the time of Fajr prayers. Anyone who finds it difficult to pray Salatul-Layl after midnight can pray before midnight.

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