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5 ways to make your child connect with the Qur'an


In this life, all of us will undoubtedly falter through barriers. What makes a difference is the manner by which we manage those circumstances. The manner in which an individual beat the chances and comes out effective characterizes their character, resolution, and confidence in the Divine. Then again, there might be numerous among us who surrender without any problem.

There could be endless purposes for individuals losing their expectations and jumping into dimness. However, as devotees of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), it's our definitive obligation to haul them out of the shadows. This is the place our religion, Islam, assumes an extraordinary job. It guides us to the track we should take.

Siret-Al-Mustaqeem, this is a pathway that we should discover and finish our lives. Meanwhile, we should pass on the guide to people around us. In particular, this crucial at home. For instance, on the off chance that you are a parent, it is your definitive duty to demonstrate this way to your children. Make it the reason for your life. Your Lord has furnished you with an incredible chance. Your endeavours with your youngster today will make a far-reaching influence that is going to give to ages.

Remember that your kids are your greatest obligation. They can end up being a wellspring of perpetual prize in the event that we centre around sustaining them under Islamic guidelines. While there might be bunches of writing out there to assist you with accomplishing that, nothing is superior to what out holy prophet has expressed to humanity.

Below, we list few simple ways to strengthen your child’s connection with the Quran:

1.Make your child listen to the recitation of the Holy Qur'an on daily basis.

This is the underlying and most helpful method for starting a kid's relationship with the Quran. Truth be told, moms should begin tuning in to the recitation increasingly more when the incipient organism begins building up its hearing framework. It occurs during the fourth month of pregnancy.

When the youngster enters the world, they should manufacture a propensity for recounting the Quran around them. Mother can do that herself or than play recitations.

Other than this, have a "no music" rule in your home. Get your kids far from a wide range of music.. This includes computer games, TV, movies, and kid's shows. In spite of the fact that it's actually quite difficult, yet on the off chance that you take a firm stand, you will locate some astonishing outcomes later on.

Its important to let children be aware that the Quran recitation is but a vital force in their lives and that its hearing should be respected, and an absolute silence is followed through out.

2. Bedtime stories:

A child when asked questions about the Quran may give plausible responses and this is because a chile may or may not understand the Arabic language. Its very essential for us as guardians to make them understand its translation and this can be in form of a story telling session. Its highly proven than children have a great sense of imagination power. Narrate stories of hazrat Ibrahim, hazrat nuh and the Holy prophet pbuh. This commitment will not only trigger the knowledge of the holy Quran but also instil the love of religion and piety.

Our main focus is to make them love the religion and not be repelled away from it. This can only emerge though our dedication towards them by adopting good morals and explaining them its importance too.

Our Holy prophet phub has stated:

“Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s good manners.”

3. Take tiny steps at a time.

Make children learn in steps and the best way to start is by making them listen to different and smaller surahs from the holy book. For instance, you may also recite and let them listen while they sleep. practice your Quran in a beautiful warm voice and the sound of a mother’s recitation is considerably heart-warming to a child’s ears.

If a child is practicing on his/her tajwid ensure you have a good teacher who possesses excellent tajwid rules so as to enhance the child’s learning to a higher level.

4. Family Activities

A child always learns better if it has an entire family supporting what he/ she is supposed to learn. Both spouses should have a strong bonding with the Holy Quran. This way a child is inspired to follow your footsteps and emerge out a winner in every possibly way.

Try creating quizzes and activities in conjunction with the Quran. You may also pick a portion of a Quran and discuss it with the family explaining what it means and what lessons are derived from each one of them.

Even though teaching Quran is extremely important, but it should not cause a gap in a parent and child’s relationship. Be there for your children at all times. The pressure may compel you to take the tough route. Learn how to tackle that.

Be a teacher like the Prophet (ﷺ), who said:

“(O people!) Save yourselves from the Hell-Fire even if with one half of a date (given in charity), and if you find it not, then (save yourselves) by saying a good pleasant friendly word.” (Bukhari, 2002)

5. Make Du’a’

All is in vain if you do not ask help from Allah SWT. We have seen how prophets and our holy Imams have prayed to Allah through various supplications. They beseeched the Almighty Allah to guide their children as well as the future generations to come. The same pattern must be followed.

Do not use harsh words and show anger if your child becomes cranky or has a tantrum. Instead pray for them during your daily prayers/ Make do for them. Bow down before your lord insincerely sk for your wishes. Ask Allah to guide you child towards the Quran and follow its teachings in every aspect of their lives.

Rely on Allah and watch the Divine wonders unfold in your favour!

May Allah enable our children and us to live by the Quran and reunite us all in Jannah. Ameen!

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